Wednesday, February 18, 2009

MML Scholarship

The MML is proud to announce the 17th Annual MML Scholarship Program.

A $2,000 scholarship is open to any high school senior in Mississippi who plans to attend an accredited community or junior college, college or university in Mississippi. A second $2,000 scholarship is restricted to the children or grandchildren of Mississippi municipal officials and employees.

Applicants for both scholarships must write an essay on the topic “Why I Should Consider a Career in Municipal Government.” The three members if the MML Scholarship & Awards Committee will judge the entries. These members represent almost every form of municipal leadership. For more information on the judging criteria, please refer to the application.

Winners and their parents will be recognized on July 15, 2009 during the MML Annual Conference in Biloxi and their essays will be published in Mississippi Municipalities magazine.

An application is available in the counselor’s office. Deadline is Friday, May 15, 2009.

Should you have questions, please call June Dunlap at the Mississippi Municipal League at 601-353-5854, 800-325-7641 or via email at

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