Monday, June 22, 2009


School Year 2009-2010

Before schedules will be issued the following must be complete

  1. ALL students must provide two (2) new forms of residency verification. (Acceptable forms are the following, one of which must be either b/c or g :)
    a. Filed homestead exemption application form
    b. Mortgage documents or property deed
    c. Apartment or Home lease
    d. Utility Bills
    e. Driver’s license
    f. Voter precinct identification
    g. Automobile registration
    h. Affidavit and/ or personal visit by a designated school district official
    i. Any other document that will objectively and unequivocally establish that the parent or guardian resides within the school district.
  2. All students must pay a $10 processing fee
  3. All students must have their student ID pictures taken.
  4. Any & all fines from the previous year must be paid.
  5. All students must fill out a new student information sheet

  • 11th & 12th graders may pick up schedules Monday, August 3rd from 8:30 am – 2:00 pm.
  • 9th & 10th graders may pick up schedules Tuesday, August 4th from 8:30 am – 2:00 pm.
  • Parking stickers may be picked up on the day you pick up your schedule. Proof of insurance and driver’s license is required.
  • Dress code will be enforced for all students on those two days, including open house.
  • Freshman orientation will be held Tuesday, August 4th at 6:00 pm in the High School Gym.
  • Open House will be held Tuesday, August 4th at 6:00 pm for 10th -12th graders in the NHHS building
  • There will be absolutely NO schedule changes unless the NHHS office made a scheduling mistake.

A copy of the NHHS dress code and student information sheet may be found on the NHHS web site at